Smoke extraction is the evacuation from a building of products of combustion, such as smoke and toxic gases, which could otherwise reduce visibility and impair human functions. This facilitates the escape of the building occupants and assists fire fighters in locating the seat of the fire and extinguishing it.
In situations where smoke clearance by natural ventilation through windows or other openings may be difficult (e.g. in large or deep basements or in high rise buildings without windows that can be opened) ductwork is required to conduct the smoke to a suitable outlet from the building. In cases where the natural buoyancy of the combustion products is not adequate to ensure the required smoke extraction rate through the ductwork, fan assisted systems are used. It may also be necessary to install ducted air inlets as part of the smoke extraction scheme, in order to provide the replacement air.
If the ductwork incorporated in a smoke extraction system is wholly contained within the fire compartment, it must at least be capable of resisting the anticipated smoke temperatures generated during the development of a fire. These will generally be lower than the temperatures specified in EN 1366, which are intended to represent a fully developed fire. However, if the ductwork penetrates a fire resisting barrier, it must also be capable of providing the relevant fire resistance in a test to the relevant part of EN 1366.