Frame equipped with metal mesh.
ADT - Inspection door (without accessories)
GVA 1D - Grille, simple deflection (SD)
GVS 2D - Grille, double deflection, for circular duct
GVS 1D - Grille, simple deflection, for circular duct
GVA 2D - Grille, double deflection (DD)
GV XC-C - Circular outdoor grille
APTM - Rectangular diffuser in tile
APTD - Rectangular diffuser, special design
WDT-B - Helical diffuser
APTR - Rectangular diffuser for circular duct
JDT- Jet diffuser (without accessories)
GVA L 1D – Grille, linear
GVA EX - Outdoor grille
WDT-A - Helical diffuser
GVA 4C - Grille, fixed shutters, 4 directions
GVA 4D - Grille, simple deflection, 4 directions (SD4)
GVA P - Floor grille
GVA EC 90 - Grille, fixed grid, 90°
GVA M - Indoor mechanical grille
VT-R - Discharge valve
GVA G - Gravitational grille
VT-AI - Suction valve, stainless steel
APT - Rectangular diffuser
GVA T - Transfer grille
GVA C - Grille, fixed shutters
GV XC-A - Circular outdoor grille
GVA L - Linear grille
GV XC-B - Circular outdoor grille
GVA F Perforated sheet grille
GVA 1DF - Grille, simple deflection, with access to filter (SDF)
ART-C – Circular diffuser
ART-TC - Circular diffuser with thermostatic adjustment
VT-A - Suction valve
ART-R - Circular diffuser with adjustable cones
GVA EC 45 - Grille, fixed grid, 45°
GVA ECF - Grille, with access to filter
SDT - Diffuser slot