The piece is made of galvanized sheet steel and equipped with a wire mesh to prevent the entry of foreign material from the environment.
Mounted on the inlet of the fans or at the end of the ducts, both on the supply and exhaust.
XVL45 - X-piece, two outputs at 45°
ILL - Take-off
BL 45° - Bend, pressed, with gasket
TCL - T-piece
HN - Roof hood
BL 15° - Bend, pressed, with gasket
BFL 90° - Bend, lockseamed
BL 60° - Bend, pressed, with gasket
SLL100 - Circular silencer
YVL45 - Y-piece
BL 90° - Bend, pressed, with gasket
NPL - Coupling
BFL 30° - Bend, lockseamed
BFL 60° - Bend, lockseamed
BSFL 45° - Bend, lockseamed, with extended radius
CFB Filter Box
RFAC - Connection, vibration proof
BSFL 90° - Bend, lockseamed, with extended radius
TVL45 - T-piece, one output at 45°
SR - Circular duct
SLL50 - Circular silencer
RCLL - Reducer, long, concentric
MF - Coupling
HF - Roof hood
HU - Circular roof hood
AVL - Air intake with mesh, 45° cut
RCL - Reducer, short, concentric
XCL - X-piece
RL - Reducer, short, eccentric
RLL - Reducer, straight
DS - S-piece
TSTCL - T-piece
BL 30° - Bend, pressed, with gasket
BFL 15° - Bend, lockseamed
BKFL 90° - Bend, short, lockseamed
BFL 45° - Bend, lockseamed
ESL - Indoor end cap